Flash delivery driver Getir may leave the Netherlands after all | Economy

Flash delivery service Getir is considering a departure from the Netherlands and Italy. That writes the German business newspaper Handelsblatt based on sources.

According to the newspaper, Getir is struggling with significant losses and the company wants to attract additional investments from lenders with the help of cost savings. Getir states in a short statement through the PR agency with which the company works that the ‘news that Getir could leave the Netherlands, as published in various articles, is purely speculative’.

The originally Turkish Getir, which took over its German branch colleague Gorillas earlier this year, has already said goodbye to Spain, Portugal and France. If the company also leaves the Netherlands and Italy, only the Turkish home market, the United Kingdom, the United States and Germany will remain as markets, according to Handelsblatt.

Tens of millions

The newspaper states that Getir consumes tens of millions of capital every month. The company now wants to attract extra money to continue with its activities. Getir’s largest lender is Abu Dhabi’s Mubadala Investment sovereign wealth fund.

Flash delivery of groceries grew strongly during the corona pandemic. But now the market is cooling down sharply because of the uncertain economy and high inflation, which is causing consumers to keep their purse strings tighter.
