Flash change from TFF! The second half will come into play – Last minute Super League news

Mehmet Büyükekşi, President of the Turkish Football Federation, made important statements.

Speaking to BeIN Sports, Büyükekşi announced the new application that will be implemented in the second half of the Super League.

Here are those words…

Mehmet Buyukeksi: FIFA made a number of new applications in the 2022 World Cup. There is also a semi-automatic offside system. We’ve done research, it’s investigating. There are 3 topics. One of them is the chip ball. The goal was scored when the ball went out of the goal line or not. He gave it with a chip ball. And a semi-automatic offside system.

There is one more. We will apply this to the second circuit. It was said why this match was extended by 3-5-7 minutes. There is a sensitivity to time. The stopwatch is being tracked in the VAR room. When I told this to our MHK president, ‘No way. It is the responsibility of the middle referee and the 4th referee,” he said. When a match needed to be extended by 10 minutes, it was extended by 6 minutes, it was extended by 8 when it should have been 6. After seeing it in the World Cup, AVAR will do this task. It will keep the time. Let’s make it public. Football players spend time in various ways to pass the time. The longer it takes, the longer it will take. If it’s 15 minutes like in the World Cup, it’s 15 minutes. We are starting to implement this.

“The semi-automatic offside system has a separate cost. It brings an additional cost of 1.5 million euros. Nothing has happened for chip ball so far. The benefits and harms will become more evident after the World Cup is over. If we agree with the clubs, it can be implemented next year. Many “If the country takes a step forward, the cost of this technology will also decrease. We will continue the research for both chip ball and semi-automatic offside system. Since I came here, I have been saying that technology and digitalization are indispensable in football. These two applications are the best examples.”
