Flanders is preparing for a possible increase in Ukrainian refugees | Interior

“It is very difficult to predict how the war conflict will evolve and what the impact will be on the migration flow from Ukraine,” said Housing Minister Matthias Diependaele (N-VA) on Thursday.

The Flemish government is therefore working on a strategy until the end of 2023. “On the one hand, this takes into account a status quo of the limited influx, since it has remained very stable for some time,” said the minister. “On the other hand, it is important to develop a preparation scenario. This can then be used in the field to anticipate possible upsurges in the influx if the war conflict were to flare up. This follow-up strategy is currently being worked out within the task force and will be finalized in the course of March. finalized.”

The follow-up approach focuses on sufficient reception places, but also on participation. “In addition to shelter, it is important to have an eye for a more integrated approach, with wider participation and participation of displaced persons in social life and the labor market,” said Diependaele. “The follow-up approach should therefore not only focus on the realization of an adequate supply of reception places.”

Flanders now receives 32,000 displaced persons. Sixty percent of the total number in Belgium.
“Housing is indeed always the first challenge when there is an influx of any nationality,” replied Smeyers. “The next thing is indeed the integration, and the activation, the work.”

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