Flags pulled down at Four Days Marches, help farmers reset | Inland

A total of 72 country flags were knocked down, 1 remained. That was the Dutch flag, which was then turned upside down, according to the spokesperson. The inverted Dutch flag has recently been a symbol of action against government policies, including by farmers’ activists. The organization has no idea who caused the destruction. “It can be wantonness, it can be anything,” said the spokesman. According to him, there are no camera images available of the place where the destruction was carried out.

Four tractors

Today or in the coming days, the Four Days Marches will report the vandalism that has resulted in an amount of damage. It is unknown how extensive the damage is. The organization says it will “put everything back on its feet”. The Four Days Marches finds the destruction “very bad.” “Because it costs us a lot of money and because we are proud of the countries that all participate in the Four Days Marches.”

Nine farmers have come to the city with four tractors to replace the flagpoles that had been pulled down at the Waalbrug. They are on the border of the area to which an emergency ordinance applies because of the Four Days Marches. Farmers’ actions are not allowed in this area. The emergency ordinance runs until 23:59 on Friday 22 July.
