Fixed flood defense despite Wessem resistance | 1Limburg

A permanent flood defense system will be built on the Maasboulevard in Wessem. This is against the wishes of the inhabitants, because they preferred a self-closing barrier.

The Limburg Water Board has nevertheless opted for a permanent flood defence. According to the water board, the type of barrier that local residents would like to see is a lot more expensive and therefore not financially feasible.

Not easy choices
A self-closing barrier would also entail risks when it comes to management and maintenance. “We understand that the immediate environment would have liked to see a different outcome,” says water board director Jos Teeuwen. “At the same time, we have an urgent flood risk management task in Wessem. We have the legal task to put the dikes in order and to protect people and companies against high water. That means that we sometimes make choices that are not easy, but are necessary.”

floor stroke
Initially, the Maasboulevard was not included in the dyke improvement at Thorn and Wessem. But many views led the Limburg Water Board to decide otherwise. For example, an intermediate step was carried out. Last year, the water board started working on this together with the Village Council, the Wessem Preservation Committee and the municipality of Maasgouw. Ultimately, the conclusion was that the preference of the inhabitants is not feasible.

The Water Board’s preferred alternative is now being worked out into a final design and a so-called Environmental Act Project Decree. Incidentally, interested parties can still formally respond to that decision.
