Five minors arrested for alleged sexual assault of a teenager in Malaga

Five minors have been arrested by the National Police in Malaga for the sexual assault suffered by a teenager in a field and a house from the capital of Malaga.

The arrests were carried out on October 10, as a result of the police investigation in relation to events that occurred on the night of September 22 to 23, as reported this Monday by the Police.

The victim reported that she went to a vacant lot in the city where a friend’s birthday was being celebrated, attended by numerous young people from the institute or their acquaintances, some of them of legal age, according to ‘Diario Sur’.

According to the complainant, there She took a drink offered to her by one of the assistants and began to feel the point that he suspected that some type of substance had been supplied to him in the drink, a point that has not yet been proven in the analysis.

The minor told the agents that, then, began to suffer sexual touching by several young people who were at the party.

After the meeting in the open field, part of the group went to the house where one of the young people lives, where the young woman stated that she had questions about what happened, although She remembered seeing herself with her clothes down and surrounded by three naked boys.notes the newspaper.

The girl left that place to return to her home and, according to her testimony, two young men who were supposedly going to accompany her home took her to a secluded area and allegedly They sexually assaulted her between two cars.

The next day, the minor told what happened to a family member, who took her to the Maternal and Child Hospital of Malaga, a center that activated the protocol in cases of suspected sexual assault, which led to the opening of a police investigation.

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Police efforts led on October 10 to the arrest of five teenagers, who were placed at the disposal of the Juvenile Prosecutor’s Office.

One of them was placed in a juvenile center while the rest were released on probation pending the progress of the investigation.
