Five habits of people who are good at saving money | Home & Garden

1. Savers pay themselves first

You may be tempted to pay your bills first and then see how much you want to transfer to your savings account. And while paying your bills is very important, you should also be honest with yourself. Because it often does not stop with spending money on accounts, so that there is nothing left for your savings account.

That is why savers have the habit of paying themselves first when they have received their salary. Make sure this is a realistic amount, so that you don’t have to transfer money again at the end of the month. Let this amount be the same every month or opt for a percentage if your income varies.

2. They automatically put money aside

Ask savers what their best savings tip is and nine times out of ten it is that they have set up an automatic debit to their savings account. In this way it feels like one of your fixed costs and you are unconsciously saving without putting too much effort into it.

3. Savers regularly check their finances

If you prefer not to spend money, chances are that saving will not really work. If you’re serious about getting started, you’ll have to deal with your finances on a regular basis. Just watch out: you’ll look at money differently if you’re not just thinking about it when it’s gone at the end of the month and you’re wondering how you’re going to get by. The first step to a big savings account is to check your account more often. This also gives you a better idea of ​​where your money is going.

4. They control their impulses

It sounds obvious, but one of the best savings tips for making saving a priority is to control your impulses. That seems easier said than done, because most of us have made impulse purchases at one time or another.

Pay attention to your triggers in the near future. When do you feel like buying something that you won’t use in the long run?

In the meantime, you can of course make it as easy as possible for yourself by unsubscribing from the newsletters with good deals, not browsing online webshops and thinking about a purchase for three weeks before actually making it.

5. Savers know that every little bit helps

Successful savers know that you cannot suddenly save a large amount of money, no matter how much they would like to. That is why they are happy with every extra euro and are not discouraged when things go ‘slowly’. If you already make a habit of saving, you will see that you have already reached 80 percent of your savings goal. Make saving a regular part of your life and the amount in your savings account will grow faster and faster.

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