Five generations in one photo: ‘We are a real women’s team’

Lots of biscuits with pink mice at Sara Candir-Gönül from Uden. Her newborn daughter Lara is the fifth generation of women in her family. And that special fact had to be recorded, of course. “My grandmother even came over from Turkey.”

It is already quite unique that you see five generations together, but for Sara and her family it has an extra meaning. “In Islam, this really means something. As a grandmother, if you see your great-grandchild’s child, you end up in heaven. She has been waiting for this for a long time.”

And so the 88-year-old Havva returned to the Netherlands before the birth, where she had lived for 37 years from 1974. “I’m here for ten days to see Lara. A very special experience.”

“What are we going to call everyone? That’s a good one.”

A unique opportunity to immediately photograph those five generations. Great-great-grandmother Havva (88), great-grandmother Pempe (68), grandmother Birsen (48) and Sara with Lara were immortalized. “We are a real women’s team,” says Sara proudly. “That makes it extra special.

Although it also brings a challenge. Because what are you going to call all those grandmothers? “That’s a good one,” laughs the new mother. “We’ll have to think about that some more.”

“Both grandmothers jumped for joy when I told them I was going to be a mother.”

Incidentally, the Candir family celebrated for several reasons. “Lara is also the fifth generation with my partner. Only his grandfather is abroad, so we were unable to take a picture.” And then the young sprout was also the first grandchild on both sides of the family. “Both grandmothers jumped for joy when I told them I was going to be a mother.”
