Five dockers arrested for evictions; one suspect is brother of controversial lawyer | Antwerp

Antwerp/DendermondeFive dockers who worked at quay 1700 in the Waasland harbor were arrested on Wednesday morning on suspicion of extracting cocaine. One of the suspects is Ashraf H., brother of lawyer Jawad H., who was arrested at the beginning of the Sky ECC operation.

After reading messages from the cracked Sky ECC chat service, the federal police carried out a series of house searches in Antwerp on Wednesday. Five dock workers who were working on quay 1700 in the Waasland harbor were arrested.

One of them is Ashraf H., the brother of lawyer Jawad H. The young lawyer was arrested during the national operation Sky ECC on March 9, 2021 and was in pre-trial detention for three months. He is suspected of being a member of a criminal organization. In the Sky messaging service, he would have used the nickname ‘Kafka’.

The five dockers who have now been arrested are suspected of having participated in two cocaine removals in August 2020. Then customs discovered two shipments of approximately 300 and 400 kg of cocaine in containers.

The public prosecutor of Dendermonde does not want to provide any further information about the investigation for the time being.
