Five dead, 18 injured in shooting at Colorado gay club

Five people were killed in a shooting at a gay club in the city of Colorado Springs, Colorado on Saturday night. Eighteen others were injured. International news agencies write this based on a press conference by local police chief Pamela Castro. Castro said the perpetrator has been arrested, but did not disclose his motive.

Club Q writes on Facebook to be “devastated” by the “meaningless attack on our community”. “Our prayers and thoughts are with all the victims and their families and friends. We thank the heroic customers who overpowered the shooter and ended this hate attack.”

In 2016, a gunman killed 49 people at the Pulse gay club in Orlando, Florida. He claimed to be acting out of his devotion to the leader of Islamic State (IS). He was killed in a shootout with police. At the time, the Pulse shooting was the deadliest in U.S. history.
