Fit after the carnival: from lifting beer to lifting weights | 1Limburg

After the weekend, many people return to the gyms. Spring is the time to shed a few pounds before summer kicks in, but lifting weights isn’t easy after four days of beer lifting.

Marco Verberne is a personal trainer in Roermond and says that it should be built up slowly. Running like a gym rat is completely unnecessary, he says.

“Many people make that mistake. You have to train at 60 percent the first week, otherwise you will destroy yourself. That is a luxurious way of training for customers, but it does help to achieve goals,” says Verberne.

The best anti-hangover exercise, according to Verberne, is a good walk: “Give your body a good boost of oxygen, it will immediately improve you.”

27-year-old Ian Schoolmeesters has been following Verberne’s training program for six months. “After a few days of partying you can feel it. The motivation to exercise is gone for a while if I’m honest, but you have to get over that.”

Peak moments in the gyms occur every year after New Years Eve. People start exercising with good intentions.

The end of the carnival is also such a moment, Verberne notes. “Absolutely, spring is actually your last chance to look sleek again in the summer. I also partied with Vastlaovend myself. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
