Fishermen concerned about expensive fuel prices

Fishermen concerned about expensive fuel prices

The crisis in Ukraine is having an impact on fuel prices. And that can hit the fishing industry with us very hard in the short term. Klaas Kramer, skipper Z.300 Sola Gratia: “I’m glad it’s open again. It’s a great port and great people to work with here. This is great.”

This Urk fisherman clearly missed Ostend. It is Friday and the ships are back in the Ostend fishing dock for the first time in a month. The fish has been unloaded and it is time to refuel for the new journey. “We just put gas oil in here. We filled up with 5,600 liters. And that at just under 1 euro per litre. “Since the attack on Ukraine, it has gone from 65 cents for a liter to a euro. So that’s in a week. It’s going to be terribly difficult now.”

But the fishermen have to keep going. If only to keep the crew. And more and more often it is almost sailing at a loss.
