Fisheries employment continues to fall

Fisheries employment continues to fall

In 2010 there were still 843 FTEs (full-time equivalents) active in the Flemish fish processing sector, in 2020 this number had already been reduced to 646. The number of vacancies in the fisheries sector increased at the same time, although they became increasingly difficult to fill. In 2021, more than 200 vacancies were reported to the VDAB. In 2016, there were only 38. In 2022, barely 2 vacancies were filled up to and including the month of September, while 11 had already been cancelled.

The number of students for fisheries training at the VDAB is also in free fall. In 2022, no one has registered for the fish filler, fish unloader and fish sorter courses. Last year there were 11 students and in 2018 it was 46.
