First warm day of the year in Drenthe: ‘Everything went in the right direction’

The first warm day of 2023 in Drenthe is a fact. The temperature rose above 20 degrees today at the official measuring point in Eelde.

“The mercury rose to 20.5 degrees there this afternoon,” says RTV Drenthe weatherman Hans Nienhuis. “In the south of Drenthe we did not come close to this limit, but in the north it all went in the right direction. An amateur weather station in Roden also measured 20 degrees.”

In addition to Drenthe, the 20 degrees was also set in the province of Groningen. Officially, today is not yet a nationwide warm day. For this, the temperature in De Bilt must exceed 20.0 degrees. At the main station it has so far reached a maximum of 15.0 degrees.

The last time a local hot day was recorded anywhere in the country was on October 30 last year. That is now 173 days ago.
