First Virgin ordination ever in Diocese of Roermond | 1Limburg

A unique feature for the diocese of Roermond. On Saturday evening, two women receive the so-called virginal consecration in the Christopher’s Cathedral. By this they indicate that they are fully committed to Christ.

Although the consecration of the Virgin is centuries old, in the Netherlands only six women preceded the two Limburg women.

Désirée van Breugel from Schinnen and Hoy Lin Moo from Maastricht enter the Christoffel Cathedral in Roermond with healthy tension. That’s where it’s going to happen on Saturday night; their virginity. An ecclesiastical ritual that has never been performed in the diocese of Roermond before. In short, it means that they are saying yes to Christ. “We want to share our lives with him and in connection with him. Because he means a lot to us,” says Désirée. Hoy Min adds: “For years I felt that I was being called by Christ. And when he calls, he doesn’t let go of you.”

Church under pressure
The Limburg women bring the total number of ordinations of the virgins of the Dutch dioceses to eight. And that at a time when faith and the church are under pressure. Both women acknowledge this, but there was no reason not to opt for the ordination. “I don’t close my eyes to the current state of the faith,” says Hoy Lin. “But there is always hope and we have to rely on that.”

Desire used to teach a class as a school teacher and now works as a housekeeper for the pastor of Schinnen. She also gives Bible lessons to school children. She had felt the calling for much longer. “I have often received winks from above, from God, but I was not attracted to, for example, the monastery. With this virginity ordination I can still give myself to him, without going to the monastery.”

Hoy Lin works as a doctor in nursing homes. Her work follows from her calling. This is the next step to do good for her fellow man, she explains. Life after ordination does not change for both women. They do get a special ring, but they don’t have to wear a habit, for example. “I do notice that the union with Christ is strengthened inside by this consecration of the virgin”, says Désirée.

The resident of Schinnen is 53 years old and the Maastricht Hoy Lin 39. Both still in an age where temptations are lurking. “I don’t think about that. I’m human, so it can happen, but I’m going for this,” said Hoy Lin. That opinion is also of Désiré. “This is now my choice and I am all for it.”
