First victim of ‘needle spiking’ in Limburg | 1Limburg

A 19-year-old woman from Venlo is believed to have been the victim of needle spiking while going out in the city on Saturday. The incident left her unwell.

In needle spiking unknown liquids – presumably drugs – are injected into victims via a needle.

The woman’s mother describes in a message on social media that her daughter would have been pricked in her buttocks through her clothes. As a result, she looked pale, felt dizzy and shivery, and nearly passed out. The woman was reported to have been taken to hospital and reported the incident.

She is doing ‘under the circumstances’, although the woman is also shocked and she still has physical complaints.

Preventive vaccinations
The woman’s mother writes that her daughter should be vaccinated for hepatitis as a preventive measure. Her blood is also taken to test for HIV, for example. She has to come back for another check-up in one and three months.

Needle Spiking
In recent weeks, several reports of needle spiking have been reported nationally and internationally, often during going out and among young women. More than 100 reports of such incidents have already been made in the United Kingdom. Much is still unknown, for example which substances are involved.

Police have launched an investigation into the incident and are The Limburger know that it concerns one report of needle spiking in Limburg.
