First Ukrainian refugees to large reception location in Enkhuizen at the beginning of August

The first Ukrainian refugees will come to the temporary housing units at the Enkhuizer ice rink at the beginning of August. A little later than expected. The site is currently being finalized where 150 refugees will eventually stay temporarily.

The exact date is still unknown. But the first group of 30 refugees is due to arrive in two weeks. They were actually expected next week. “The original schedule has been postponed, but we cannot give an exact date yet,” said a municipality spokesperson. In any case, local residents will first be informed by letter about the exact schedule.


There was a lot to do around the reception location. From local residents a lot of protest, because people feared that the site will soon be used permanently to build houses. Also the Enkhuizer Ice Club was unhappy with the location, because they can’t use the skating rink for the time being.

After Mayor Eduard van Zuijlen guaranteed that during a well-attended residents’ meeting the situation is temporaryFor many people, the biggest objection seemed to have disappeared. Although there were also local residents who did not believe the guarantees.

The site has now been made suitable for the reception of a total of 150 refugees, who will move into five groups. There will also be showers and toilet blocks.

Positive reception

SP party leader, and also a resident of the ice rink, Margreet Keesman believes that the Ukrainians should be welcomed with open arms. “These people fled their country because of the war. So I’m going to welcome them with homemade apple pie,” Keesman assures.
