First stork cub born in Zwin Nature Park

First stork cub born in Zwin Nature Park

The birth took place on one of the nests at the stork tower in the park. Using the new camera on the stork tower, you can view the nest via live stream on the website or YouTube channel of the Zwin Nature Park. More young will be born in the coming days and the park will celebrate this on May 20 and 21 with a real birth party.

Crucial first weeks

Breeding success depends on the weather: cold and wet weather in the first weeks of life can be fatal. In addition, nutrition also plays an important role. If the parents find enough food, all the young can survive and grow up. Within two months the youngsters have grown into fully-fledged young storks. In recent years, 12 to 22 young storks fledged each year in the Zwin Nature Park. From the beginning of August they move south.

Birth party storks

The Zwin Nature Park invites young and old to the birth of the storks, which will take place on Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 May. At that time, the storks are already clearly visible on the nests. On the stork tower in the park, visitors can get very close to some of the occupied stork nests without disturbing them.
