‘First steps to recovery taken’ at Sander Dekker, suspect fall free | Inland

The woman has been released pending investigation, police said. “The suspicion has not been weakened and will therefore have to appear before a judge at a later time,” said a spokesman for the The Hague police unit. He said the investigation is still ongoing.

The VVD party announced on Thursday that “the first tentative steps towards recovery appear to have been taken.” According to a party member, Dekker has ‘broke pretty much everything you can break’. “At least he was operated on. But he’s still tired of that.”

47-year-old Dekker, who lives in The Hague, was seriously injured in the dunes near Monster on Tuesday evening. According to eyewitnesses, the 42-year-old suspect grabbed the former minister, who allegedly drove fast, by the arm on the Schelpenpad, causing him to fall hard. He broke his ribs, collarbone and pelvis, among other things. The police conducted an extensive investigation at the location after the incident and spoke to several eyewitnesses.

Initially, the police indicated that the suspect had been arrested on suspicion of attempted aggravated assault and attempted manslaughter. That suspicion was later modified.
