First steps taken towards a new drop-in center for former cancer patients in Assen

A new Hamelhuys in Assen is starting to get off the ground again. Het Hamelhuys, a drop-in center for former cancer patients, closed its doors at the beginning of 2021 due to financial problems. But now those worries are gone and there is hope on the horizon.

While director Josje Hamel was on the verge of burnout at the beginning of 2021, today she is in a very different position. Due to the corona pandemic, sponsorship income disappeared and to make matters worse, the foundation also had to leave its then building in Assen. “Due to the stress caused by the lack of structural financial resources and the stress caused by corona, I ended up in the beginning of a burnout.” How different was the situation in Groningen. The Hamelhuys location there only closed its doors due to the lockdowns, but continued to exist. In part because of financial support from the municipality of Groningen.

Although the organization opted for a restart a few months after the closure in Assen, this did not really get off the ground. The financial uncertainty remained. But now the flag is hanging differently. “Last year it turned out that the KWF offers a structural financial contribution to all 81 centers for people with cancer.” Hamel also received a request from the Wilhelmina Hospital to reopen.

That makes everything different. “Then we thought: isn’t it time for a new location in Assen?” The support of the KWF saves a sip on a drink, Hamel emphasizes. “We are in any case supported for three years for a paid coordinator, an amount of 50,000 euros per year. The fact that you can hire a professional person gives you continuity.” After those three years, the investment will be evaluated, says Hamel.

Reason for Hamel to go for it again. “So we started discussions with the municipality of Assen and the Wilhelmina Hospital. Moreover, I moved from Appingedam to Assen last year. That helps enormously. I am now building a network much faster.”

It is still uncertain when Hamelhuys will open its doors in Assen. Because although the financial worries are gone, crucial factors such as volunteers and a location are still missing. “We are looking for about ten volunteers and an affordable location with room for a living room, rooms for individual conversations and spaces where we can do yoga or creative activities.”
