First official spring day of the year a fact

The first official spring day of 2022 is a fact. In Gilze-Rijen it became 16.8 degrees on Thursday afternoon. It could get a little warmer in the coming hours. It is an official spring day when the temperature in De Bilt rises above 15 degrees.

The first official spring day is therefore right on time, because on average we can expect this day around March 10. For the past three years, the first 15 degrees fell early.

Last year it was on February 21, in 2020 on February 16 and in 2019 on February 17. It can also be a bit later only 15 degrees. In this century, in 2001, 2009 and 2016, the first day of spring in De Bilt did not come until the beginning of April and in 2008 on April 20.

The first local 15 degrees this year was already noted on New Year’s Day. In Maastricht the mercury then reached 15.1 degrees. In De Bilt it became 13.2 degrees and that meant a date-heat record.
