First National Security Council meeting | News item

News item | 04-11-2022 | 15:20

Today the first meeting of the National Security Council (NVR) took place. The NVR met prior to the Council of Ministers. The theme of economic security and resilience was central during the NVR.

On 9 September 2022, the Council of Ministers decided on the proposal of Prime Minister Rutte to establish a National Security Council (NVR). The Netherlands is an open, diverse and internationally oriented country. In contrast to this openness, there is a great and growing vulnerability to state threats, undue influence, disruption of vital infrastructure and military threats. That requires a coordinated approach.

The establishment of the NVR is a direct elaboration of the coalition agreement. The Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) concluded in 2017 that tensions in other countries increasingly have direct or indirect consequences for the Netherlands. The WRR also concluded that ‘security can no longer be found in the bulwark against aggression from outside, but policy requires an understanding of the many connections between ‘inside’ and ‘outside’. The WRR then advised that the Netherlands needs a security council that coordinates domestic and foreign security and defense policy.

The NVR will focus on the largest and most eminent threats facing the Netherlands. Some of the challenges and threats include: nuclear proliferation, ballistic missiles, terrorism, radicalization, economic security and cybersecurity. Dilemmas and considerations of interests are also discussed in the NVR. An example of this is safeguarding both economic earning capacity and national security.

The NVR can be convened by the Prime Minister at any time when a current topic or (international) event so requires. In this way, different dimensions of a subject or event can count on a fast, integrated and coordinated approach. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is an example of this.
