First international place for track cyclist De Zoete: European Championship bronze on elimination race | NOW

Track cyclist Mylène de Zoete took bronze on Saturday in the elimination race at the European Championship track cycling in Munich. For the South Holland girl it is her first medal at an international tournament.

22-year-old De Zoete started the elimination race with nine others, where a rider has to leave the track after each lap. De Zoete crashed in the opening phase, but got back on his bike and was left with the Belgian Lotte Kopecky and the British Pfeiffer Georgi. Then the Dutch had to give in.

In the battle for the European title, Kopecky settled with Georgi, as a result of which the Belgian celebrated her first international title in track cycling. She is also very successful in road cycling and also active in cyclo-cross.

The elimination race was halted for a long time due to a massive crash in the opening phase, of which world champion Letizia Paternoster was the main victim. She had to be taken away on a stretcher.

As an elite rider, De Zoete has never been on the podium at an international tournament before. As a promise, she already won twice bronze in the elimination race at a European championship. She is also active as a road cyclist.

With the bronze medal from De Zoete, the Netherlands has won four medals at the European Championship track cycling in Munich. Roy van den Berg, Harrie Lavreysen and Jeffrey Hoogland previously took gold in the team sprint. In that part, the women took away the silver. Vincent Hoppezak seized the bronze in the points race.

Mylène de Zoete (bottom right) fell in the opening phase.

Mylène de Zoete (bottom right) fell in the opening phase.

Mylène de Zoete (bottom right) fell in the opening phase.

Photo: Reuters
