First indications of a new name

The eBay classifieds portal was already sold to Adevinta in 2021. It therefore no longer belongs to Ebay, although it still bears the name. That should change.

According to Statista, Ebay classifieds has around 40 million visitors a month, making it one of the most used websites in Germany. Ebay founded the portal for local buying and selling in 2009. It emerged from the earlier offering Kijiji. 12 years later, the sale to the Norwegian provider Adevinta, the largest operator of online classifieds portals in Europe and worldwide, followed for 9.2 billion US dollars. A total of 2.5 billion US dollars in cash and 44 percent of the shares and 33 percent of the voting rights in Adevinta brought the deal to Ebay, which also included the portal Ebay classifieds no longer belongs to Ebay, which should also be reflected in the name in the future.

Ebay Classifieds gets a new name

After the sale, Paul Heimann, CEO of eBay classifieds, told dpa: “For a period of three years, we can run the brand name eBay classifieds exactly as it is – with the logo and everything that goes with it.” The deadline is 2024 and meanwhile the portal has even revealed what name Ebay classifieds will bear in the future.

Carsten, from Caschy’s blog, looked around the net and came across interesting details about Ebay classifieds. According to him, the portal could be listed under the name classifieds in the future, so simply do without the addition Ebay. The matching website recently got a new owner. If you enter the address in the browser, you don’t see any content, but the icon in the tab, the so-called favicon, already has the design that we know from eBay classifieds.

Also read: What you are not allowed to sell on Ebay Classifieds

For users, much remains the same

There is now even official confirmation that Ebay classifieds has secured the new domain. “We asked ourselves what eBay classifieds are without eBay,” said Heimann in a recent statement. “The answer is simple: classified ads. The new, old name is also a promise to our users: we will remain what we stand for today. After all, eBay classifieds is one of the best-known and most popular brands in this country.”

Aside from the new name, not much will change for (Ebay) classifieds. However, the portal would like to introduce the “Buy Direct” option soon, which should speed up both buying and selling. Offers with a fixed price can thus be purchased directly and without contact.

