First in Europe: skeleton T. Rex under the hammer at Swiss auction house | Animals

The skeleton named Trinity “is one of the most spectacular extant T. Rex skeletons, a well-preserved and beautifully restored fossil,” according to the Zurich auction house. It is the third time ever that a T. Rex has been auctioned.

More than half of Trinity’s skeleton is composed of bones from three different T. Rex specimens found between 2008 and 2013 in the northwestern states of Montana and Wyoming in the United States, the sales catalog says. So far, only 32 adult T. Rexes have been found worldwide, according to a study published in 2021 in the scientific journal Nature. The Tyrannosaurus rex is one of the largest predators that lived on Earth.

In October 2020, the skeleton of a T. Rex in New York fetched a record amount of $ 31.8 million (27 million euros) at an auction.

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