First heat, then squalls and thunderstorms in Berlin and Brandenburg

Dark clouds are gathering over the Oberbaum Bridge (symbol image)

Dark clouds are gathering over the Oberbaum Bridge (symbol image) Photo: picture alliance / ZB

From BZ/dpa

The new week begins in Berlin and Brandenburg with heat and temperatures up to 35 degrees on Monday.

According to the German Weather Service (DWD), there will also be showers, thunderstorms and gusty winds in some areas from late afternoon. According to the DWD index, the risk of forest fires will increase again on Monday. The summer heat wave will not come back for the time being, said the meteorologist.

According to the DWD, Monday starts with a lot of sun. In the afternoon and evening clouds will appear. Lower Lusatia will get the most sunshine on Monday, said the weather expert. From around 5 p.m. there could be heavy rain, hail and gusts of wind with a strength of 8 to 9, i.e. with a wind speed of 65 to 85 kilometers per hour. This is locally limited.

In addition, people in the southern half of Brandenburg in particular must expect that a gust front could occur on Monday evening and the wind would suddenly turn from south to west. It could hiss violently for a short time, said the meteorologist. Storm gusts up to strength 8 and 9 are possible. This could be uncomfortable for tents or boats, for example.

According to the forecast, maximum values ​​​​between 22 and 25 degrees will be reached in northern Brandenburg and in Berlin on Tuesday. In the south of Brandenburg there are up to 27 degrees. There may be a few showers.


Berlin weather thunderstorm summer in Berlin storm weather
