First exit poll in: PVV largest party

The first exit poll has arrived. PVV seems to have become the largest party. This is evident from the first figures from research agency Ipsos. PVV has won 35 seats, doubling for the party.

VVD ends up with 23 seats and loses 11. GroenLinks-PvdA has won 26 seats, an increase of 9 seats. It is important that Ipsos uses a margin of error of one seat per party, but in exceptional cases it can also be two seats.

For this first exit poll, Ipsos conducted a so-called shadow election at sixty polling stations throughout the country on behalf of NOS and RTL News. These polling stations have been selected in such a way that together they provide a representative picture of the voting behavior of all voters. The turnout was also measured.

Also read
First exit poll in: PVV largest party

Exit poll update: PVV remains at 35, second party 'too close to call'
