First dropout in ‘House made’ is known, these two couples start the demolition works in Boortmeerbeek | TV

TVEven before a single stone has been moved, the curtain fell for a first couple in Huis Made tonight. Alexia & Emiel, Elise & Yorick and Ines & Sebastien, who are fighting for the property in Boortmeerbeek, appeared before the jury to convince them of their grandiose plans. They each translated these into a model, which was subjected to a thorough inspection by contractor Cerina Marchetta, interior architect Gert Voorjans and real estate agent Hadisa Suleyman.

While the Limburg couples are exploring their building in Beringen to be renovated, in episode 2 of Huis Made on Thursday 7 April things are serious for the couples from Antwerp and Boortmeerbeek. Dina Tersago commissioned them to present their renovation plans to the jury in the form of a model. Brand new jury member and Ghent estate agent Hadisa Suleyman makes her appearance, together with interior architect Gert Voorjans and contractor Cerina Marchetta, to critically assess all ideas in terms of creativity, sustainability and feasibility. In Boortmeerbeek, one couple can immediately expect a cold shower. Those who can least convince the jury will already see their dream house melting away like snow in the sun.

(Read more below the photo)

Cerina Marchetta, Gert Voorjans, Hadisa Suleyman © VTM

Unfortunately Elise & Yorick were the least able to convince them and were sent home. “Too bad”, it sounded as they wiped away a tear, “You are standing very close to it and then it is taken away. This only gives extra motivation to work even harder to make something of it.”

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Elise & Yorick

Elise & Yorick © VTM

The jury had better news for Alexia & Emiel and Ines & Sebastien. They can continue to fight for their dream home in Boortmeerbeek. The two couples immediately jumped in with the first step of their renovation: the rough demolition work. Stripping the building, laying pipes, insulating the house… the couples will be facing major challenges in the coming weeks. Next Tuesday it will be up to the candidates in Antwerp and Beringen to show what they have to offer. Because there too, one couple per location will have to leave Huis Made.

The couples from the other municipalities also want to give everything to make their dream come true. Eline even gets emotional when she visits the building, when she thinks about the future of her daughter Lena. She hopes to be able to give her her own place in the new house: “It would be a nice boost.”

Melanie and Didier are also very ambitious. They are visiting their premises in Beringen. The couple is determined, they are going to blow the jury of their socks with their model.

Home Made: every Tuesday and Thursday at 8.35 pm on VTM.


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