First date at the altar 2.0 season was a disappointment

Iltalehti’s entertainment editors digest the twists and turns of the Ensitreffit altarilla 2.0 season.

The First Date at the Altar 2.0 program has progressed to the last episodes. At the beginning of the season, five couples went in search of love, but at the end of the season, there are three couples left. What do Iltalehti’s entertainment editors Miia Vatka and Sonja Saarinen?

– The feeling is quite disappointed. It seems that the couples who have started this program are also disappointed, or at least some of them, Saarinen teases.

– Yes, this has been difficult to watch as a spectator, Saarinen continues.

At the beginning of the season, Saarinen and Vatka were quite sure that Petrin and I do the love story of the century is born. The assessment was based on the couple’s age, as they are the oldest participants of the season. However, the disappointment is great, because the situation does not look good.

After the first meeting, everything seemed to be fine, until we returned to everyday life from the honeymoon. Petriä has wondered if he has yet gotten over his previous relationship.

– What is this guy doing on a dating show if he thinks this way? Vatka asks confused.

– This is what middle-aged, divorced people are dating again, he continues.

Iltalehti’s entertainment reporters Miia Vatka and Sonja Saarinen are upset for Ensitreffit-Tiia. PASI LEISMA


According to the editors Checkmate and Vera were already doomed at the beginning of the program.

– Destruction must have come. This has been really embarrassing and even sad to watch. Vera is downright mean to Matt, which is outrageous, says Saarinen indignantly.

Conversations, or actually the lack of them, have become a problem for the couple. One of the most embarrassing moments of the season was experienced when Vera wanted to discuss sex at the dinner table, but Matti found the situation oppressive and refused to talk.

– Vera announced when they went to the shared room that she sleeps in a separate bed. After that, he hopes that if he is to be put down, he will be thrown on the kitchen table. There are big contradictions here, Vatka states.

Development is noticeable

Renee and Tilda the journey has seen both ups and downs. Halfway through the season, Rene unexpectedly decided to go home, but soon he returned to the couple’s shared apartment. According to the journalists, it has been a pleasure to watch the twists and turns of the relationship and the development of both parties.

– Rene has somehow developed the most during this trip. It’s really great that after everything he finally apologized, Vatka says happily.

Saarinen also defends Tilda’s reactions in difficult times.

– I’m not surprised at all that Tilda has been reserved after Rene’s departure. After all, this has been a really difficult journey for them, he says.

Watch the full analysis discussion above.

Two new First Date Altarilla 2.0 episodes every Monday on MTV Katsomo. The program can also be watched on the AVA channel. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.

Here are the participants of the First Date at the Altar 2.0 program. MTV
