First Date 2023, Real Time: single second episode

Stonight at 9.35pm on Real Time Flavio Montrucchio returns to the restaurant of First Appointment 2023. There second episode it promises to be even more lively and fun than the previous one, thanks to the participation of two customers who will give their respective companions a hard time.

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First Appointment 2023the singles of the second episode

It’s about Nicolina and Milena, 81 and 71 years old respectively. They are very good friends, they met in a dance hall and hope to meet their soul mate. However, They firmly believe in the saying “love ends, friendship remains”. Will they meet two men capable of making them change their minds, demonstrating that even love can resist adversity?

Obviously they are not the only singles looking for their other half. Among the customers sitting at the table are the young Alex and Guendalina, ready to get involved to understand if they are made for each other. Well, the protagonists participate in a real blind date, which can be a harbinger of an unforgettable story, but also of a two of spadessometimes unexpected.

The new season opened with Vito39 years old with the tombeur de femmes approach, and the shy Simona. They are followed Pin Jie and Enrico. The first is a tailor and drag queen, the second is an activist and musician. Still, Claudia, a fifty-year-old from Molise who has never been kissed, and Marco, from Romagna looking for a partner with whom you can share your interests. In the end, Gaia and Matteo, wrapped in a cloud of sweetness and tenderness. Four appointments with an almost always positive outcome and who knows, tonight Cupid won’t replicate the success of the last episode.

“First Appointment 2023”, Flavio Montrucchio. (Warner Bros. Discovery)

The strengths of the program

Regardless of the final result, the strengths of First date They are different. The format is in its seventh edition. Some changes have been made over the years, but without ever distorting its essence. Now, in addition to the host in the role of Cupid, there are the maître Barbara, the barman Mauro and the waiters Daniel, Dounia and Ivan.

Barbara welcomes guests like a good hostess. She puts them at ease with a few welcoming phrases, always in a calm and sweet tone. Mauro is entrusted with the immediately following moment. Each customer talks briefly about themselves, mentions something about their story and in the meantime sips a cocktail that relieves tension. Daniel, Dounia and Ivan, however, comment on the meetings on the sidelines. They don’t intervene much, but play the role of observers.

Flavio Montrucchio is the one tying all the moments together. From arriving at the restaurant to requesting the bill, he chats with the singles, listens to them, provides some advice and, above all, accompanies the story. Furthermore, uses irony both to defuse tension and to remind the audience that, after all, it is a game. Here he is, therefore, wearing the role of a modern Alberto Angela who does an exegesis of love and how it has been told through the centuries.

Flavio Montrucchio, host of “First appointment 2023”. (Warner Bros. Discovery)

First Appointment 2023why see it

And then there are the stories. The advantage of First date is not to be Alone a dating show, but a cross-section of society. Unlike the political debate, often stuck on anachronistic and deliberately blind positions, the program tells the reality. There are singles who are heterosexual, homosexual, polyamorous, shy, cheeky, separated, divorced, having their first experience or ready to open up again after a long time.

Flavio Montrucchio. (Warner Bros. Discovery)

Once seated at the table, everyone plays their cards as they see fit and as best they can. And, inevitably, dinner is an expedient to tell stories. Stories of hardship, bullying, eating disorders, losses. However, one never delves into pain, into suffering. Tenderness and romanticism stand out, never arrogance and rudenesscharacteristics sometimes present in other dating shows.

During each episode – the new season is made up of 15 episodes of 75 minutes each, created by Stand By Me and available as a preview on discovery+the audience can identify with each of the protagonists. Observe the first interactions between the two guests and find emotions and sensations common to most people. The embarrassment, the fear of not being liked, the terror of not knowing what to say and remaining silent for endless minutes. Then, as the tension fades, a new world opens up and that’s where the game comes into its own. Everyone presents themselves as they are and listens to those in front of them. Both gain ground, until the final moment, when they have to decide whether to give themselves a second chance or not.

And the viewer participates virtually, rooting now for one and now for the other (potential) couple. The happy ending is not a given, but hoped for. After all, no one can say if it will be true love. However, as the good Montrucchio reminds us, “it will always be the magic of the first date that writes the story”.

