First black woman chief justice of the United States: ‘She has broken the glass ceiling’ | Abroad

Brown Jackson will replace Liberal judge Stephen Breyer. The composition of the Supreme Court will therefore remain the same as it is now: six conservative judges against three progressive judges.

The Senate in Washington confirmed her nomination. Jackson received the support of all Democrats in the Senate, and a few Republicans. Brown Jackson was nominated by President Joe Biden, a Democrat.

His vice president, Kamala Harris, called the moment “historic for America, in a building made by slaves.” Civil rights movement NAACP argues that Jackson ‘has broken the glass ceiling’. The NAACP can’t wait to see her ‘after weeks and weeks of racist and misogynistic attacks’ Justice Jackson to name’.

President Joe Biden gave the new member a hug as the result of the vote was announced.

Jackson currently works in an appeals court, a body just below the Supreme Court. Previously, she was a lawyer for people who cannot afford a lawyer.
