First beelden ton hoe burgers van onder puin gehavende Staalfabriek in Marioepol kruipen | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland

Op de videobeelden is te zien hoe vooral vrouwen, children — soms nog baby’s — en ouderen met ladders van onder de grond naar boven klauteren. Prosecution has been made for the factory that has been closed, doors that meet the most common areas in the area.

Since then, the buses have been sent and the route has been taken. The convoy drove in the direction of Zaporizja, a city in the south-east, the other controle is from Oekraïne. There are days when you arrive tomorrow.

On the other hand, the United Nations and the Rode Kruis were drunk during the operation. The Oekraïense President Volodymyr Zelensky said that all we had to do was meet the successful evacuation of citizens from the Zwaarbevochten Azovstal factory. “Ik hoop dat maandag aan alle noodzakelijke voorwaarden wordt voldaan om mensen uit Marioepol te blijven evacueren”, zei hij zondagavond in a videoboodschap.

Volgens Oekraïense bronnen zouden alleen al in de bunkers van de Staalfabriek ongeveer duizend burgers vastzitten. Russia has a population of 2,500 people, known as the military in the Buitenlandse Huurlingen. In heel Marioepol zouden still zo’n 100,000 burgers vastzitten.
