First asylum seekers already in Nuenen around the turn of the year? ‘It can go fast’

Alderman Niels Wouters hopes that the first asylum seekers will be able to go to the new shelter in Nuenen around the turn of the year. But then there should not be too many objections from local residents. The municipality announced on Saturday that a shelter for 200 asylum seekers is planned near the A270 between Nuenen and Helmond.

The shelter will be located near the sports park of football club RKSV Nuenen. The distance to facilities such as education, health care and daytime activities was also examined. The asylum seekers come there for a maximum of ten years, but after five years there is an interim evaluation.

Wouters says he understands the concerns of local residents. “That is why we will certainly talk to local residents, the football club, scouting, hospice Latesteyn and after-school care.”

More than should
According to the first target, the municipality of Nuenen must house 87 asylum seekers. The municipality is well above that with 200.

Alderman Wouters: “With the expected influx, this number will probably be a lot higher next year. We are therefore somewhat anticipating the future, but we also have the space to accommodate this number. These people deserve the protection that we can offer here. “

Objection procedure
There is not yet an agreement with the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA). Once signed, it will take another six months before the shelter is ready. A permit must still be applied for, so an objection can also be lodged.

The alderman is optimistic: “If nobody objects, things can go quickly. And that is also necessary, because COA is looking for about 2900 new reception places in Brabant alone.”

Whether that optimism is justified remains to be seen. In 2017 there were already plans to house refugees here. Protesting local residents feared that their homes would lose value.
