First AI summit: UK would move towards global regulation

“Time and again throughout history we have invented new paradigm-shifting technologies and harnessed them for the good of humanity. That is what we must do again,” said the British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak in Washingtonwhere on Thursday he will meet with the US president, Joe Biden, in the White House.

He United Kingdom will host this year the first world summit on artificial intelligence (AI), in search of a common approach with other allied countries to limit the possible risks of technology without losing its benefits. “AI has incredible potential to transform our lives for the better. But we must ensure that it is developed and used in a safe way,” said the 43-year-old Conservative leader.

In this regard, the European island wishes to position itself as the headquarters of an eventual global regulatory model for artificial intelligence, but it is not clear that there is a consensus with United States and the European Union, who have already discussed the advisability of creating a code of conduct. In this regard, the summit will be held next autumn and will bring together “countries with a similar approach” to lay the foundations for a regulation, explained a spokesman for the British leader.

“The UK is well positioned to play a leading role. Outside of the United States, we are probably the leading nation in artificial intelligence among democratic countries. We have the ability to achieve adequate regulation to protect our citizens,” he declared. Sunak to TalkTV. He also clarified that it is not about hindering authoritarian countries like China or Russia from exploiting artificial intelligence.

On the support of the Joe Biden government for the proposal, the prime minister said: “Yes, we talked about artificial intelligence when we were together in Japan (for the G7 summit) and I know he is fully aware of the risks and opportunities involved.” He also affirmed “the importance of allies and like-minded companies collaborating to develop an international framework to ensure the safe evolution and use” of artificial intelligence.


The summit will bring together representatives of “key countries, leading technology companies and researchers to agree on security measures to monitor the most significant risks,” the statement said. Downing Street. According to the note, the head of the British Government has addressed the issue in recent months with various political leaders, as well as with companies in the sector, including OpenAI, DeepMind and Anthropicwith a presence in British territory.

“AI has incredible potential to improve our lives, but we must ensure that it is developed and used in a safe way,” he concluded. the leader tory. The United Kingdom ranks third behind United States and China as a center of AI development, which contributes about 3,700 million pounds (4,300 million euros) to the British economy and employs about 50,000 people in this country.

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