Firm inner thighs: exercises and how to do it

R.firming the inner thighs is the goal of many women. This area, in fact, species as the years go by, it tends to lose tone. And the functionality of the muscles is also affected. So how to train the adductors ed have toned and fit legs? We asked Paola Mirettapersonal trainer, yoga and Pilates director and founder of Fitness Boutique, based in Piacenza.

Squat: not just inner thighs

«If the goal is to firm the inner thighs, we must consider that this area is part of the economy of the leg, so working by isolating the muscle is not the optimal action. This because the body does not know the individual muscles, it knows the movement. To achieve this, I recommend doing some basic exercises, first of all squat, bodyweight or overload. There are many versions: front, rear, Bulgarian, which looks more like a lunge, the pistol squat and many others. It does not only involve the inner thigh, but also the anterior thigh and gluteus maximus. Before trying your hand, however, it is important to know the basic rules for a correct execution. Both downhill and uphill, theopening of the knees must be addressed outwards»Explains the expert.

Train with exercises on the stairs

Bridge: with tools or in isometry

“Another excellent inner thigh exercise is bridge, which I recommend doing with the addition of a ball or a towel placed between the knees or between the thighs. Here’s how to do it correctly. It starts in supine position. It is performed in two stages: when climbing the knees are squeezed and the pelvis is raised detaching it from the ground, downhill, instead, the pelvis is released and the grip is loosened. It is great for activating the adductor and femoral muscles. The act of squeezing the thighs can also be reproduced seated. In this case you sit leaning on a chair or on the sofa. The ball or towel is squeezed between the legs, alternating the squeeze with the release of the muscles. Alternatively, some isometric seals: I squeeze and I hold the position for 10 secondsat first, and then for 20 seconds, as the level of training increases », continues Paola Miretta.

Adduction with weights or rubber bands

«To firm the inner thigh, I also recommend adductions. We position ourselves lying on the side. Let’s start with the right one. She will be involved in the exercise the right leg, i.e. the one positioned below and not the left positioned above. The right arm is flexed under the head, the left arm is placed in front of the chest to stabilize the position. The upper legthe left one, is positioned forward with the knee on the ground, the right one, on the other hand, moves towards the ceiling and then returns to the ground. It can be done both free body and with short bands. This exercise too it can be performed standing. It starts from the position of the squat to adduce, or bring the leg closer to the medial line of the body. I recommend that you include this exercise within a circuit to be run twice a week or in any case place it within your training routine. The circuit includes: 3 sets of 30 bridges, 5 sets of 25 – 30 squats free body, depending on your level of training, and the adductions with rubber bands in lateral decubitus, 10 reps per side»Suggests the expert.

