Fireworks show Ten Boer in the rematch on New Year’s Day. ‘What a people are coming to here. Let’s postpone it for a day more often’

The cancellation of the fireworks show on New Year’s Eve was a heavy damper for Ten Boer. Strong wind and rain threw a spanner in the works. On Sunday evening, Ten Boer from the municipality of Groningen was allowed to take the second chance. This is unique, because a permit is never issued for setting off fireworks on New Year’s Day.

Half an hour before the start of the fireworks display, the parking lot on the Sportlaan is still almost empty. When the first arrows go into the air, no more chicken can reach it. Johan Bulthuis, manager of Dorpshuis Ten Boer, estimates that 700 people will not be deprived of this opportunity. Or are there many more this time? Bulthuis sees many more young families with children.

They stand safely on the path and ditch that separate them from the field where the fireworks pots are ready to be fired. Bulthuis is briefly interviewed by NOS reporter Sander van Hoorn. The journalist who for years was a correspondent in the Arab world and later in ‘Brussels’, finds it quite special what is happening in Ten Boer.

On January 1. How?

With all the cancellations out there, Van Hoorn wants to know how the board of Dorpshuis Ten Boer managed this. After all, there is an absolute ban on fireworks on January 1 everywhere. “We owe this to our mayor Koen Schuiling. The fireworks show is provided by a professional company. That must have been an advantage.”

You could hear a pin drop when the show starts. After that, the ‘oooohs and aaaahs’ are literally unheard of. Breathless, especially the children watch the light flashes that swirl down in thousands of flakes. ,,I know that there is going to be a fair amount of money, but it is a tradition that we do not like to miss. If you want something as a village, you will get the money together for it.”

However, the penny could also have fallen the other way. For example, if the company Wagenvoort Vuurwerk had not approached the municipality of Groningen for the resit. The village hall manager, who thanks the Ten Boersters for their efforts in maintaining the facility with the fireworks show, is pleasantly surprised by the large turnout. He thinks that given the publicity about the cancellation, more people from the region will come. “What a people are coming to here. Let’s postpone it for a day more often.”

‘Tradition does not diminish’

“Because of the early time, it is more of an happening for families. On New Year’s Eve you attract a bit more of an audience that has already had a drink. The temptation to ask the municipality to keep the fireworks show permanently on January 1 is great,” says Bulthuis. ,,We’ll see if that is possible and desirable.” Not that Ten Boer has restrained himself in terms of fireworks on New Year’s Eve to go wild a day later. “I don’t think there have ever been so many fireworks here during the turn of the year.”

He wants nothing to do with a ban. ,,Do not. What I’m saying, don’t take this tradition away from your people.”
