Fireworks in Zoetermeer: ​​everything you want to know about it

Total fireworks ban

There are twelve municipalities in the Netherlands where a general fireworks ban applies. Residents are therefore not allowed to set off fireworks themselves. This concerns the municipalities of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Schiedam, Haarlem, Bloemendaal, Heemstede, Apeldoorn, Nijmegen, Heumen, Mook and Middelaar, Soest and Utrechtse Heuvelrug.

According to mayor Bezuijen, a fireworks ban cannot be enforced. “During corona time there was a ban, but not everyone adhered to it. A decision would have to be taken from the government and Europe,” explains the mayor. “In addition, entrepreneurs buy fireworks early on. A ban imposed so late is unacceptable for these people.”

So in Zoetermeer we are allowed to set off fireworks, but not everywhere. Read more about the rules that apply in our city on the following pages.

Fireworks show on the Dobbe
