Fireworks bomb on doormat causes resident to have heart attack

Resident Johanna Hogerwerf-Voortman expected a Christmas card from the neighbors after hearing the letterbox, but it turned out to be a fireworks bomb. The immense blow that follows moments later shatters windows and even deflates walls. “I don’t call this bad boy prank anymore,” says Johanna. “For the same money, I would have been injured. And if my husband, who has heart failure, had been at home… He would not have survived this.”

A cobra that was thrown through the letterbox of Johanna Hogerwerf’s home caused a lot of damage – NH News

“I saw fire and boom! And all the windows fly out”

Johanna Hogerwerf-Voortman, resident

It was just after six last night when a stranger threw a lit cobra through the letterbox of Johanna Hogerwerf’s home. It is that the resident sees in time that it is not a normal item, otherwise it could have ended very differently. “Luckily I was on the other side of the connecting door,” says Johanna. “I saw a fire and then I thought: I shouldn’t go to the front door. I take a few steps back and at the same time it’s: boom! And all the windows fly out.”

Hours in the cold

The police quickly arrive on the scene. Because the house is blue with smoke, Johanna is ordered to leave the house. “I was lucky that it was dry,” said the resident. “You stand outside in your slippers in the cold for hours.” In the meantime, the fire brigade is assessing the damage. In addition to the fact that a number of windows have been destroyed, a number of walls also appear to have been destroyed.

“I don’t understand what fun they see in this”

Johanna Hogerwerf-Voortman, resident

It is completely unclear who is behind the act. Johanna does say that she has been hearing heavy fireworks in the neighborhood lately. The police are calling on any witnesses to come forward. “Ridiculous”, is how the resident describes the incident. “I don’t understand what fun they see in this.”
