Fireworks ban has no chance according to trader: ‘Will only make it worse’

He has already been through all the discussions about a fireworks ban. Fireworks dealer Jan de Wit (63), who has been selling fireworks in Eindhoven and Helmond for more than 35 years, says he does not take the announced fireworks ban of the municipality of Eindhoven seriously: “There is no chance”.

‘Towards a fireworks-free Eindhoven as possible.’ That is the ambition of the municipality of Eindhoven. But fireworks dealer Jan de Wit is going to sell fireworks again in December. After all, the sale is not prohibited.

Plans by GroenLinks and the Party for the Animals for a national fireworks ban have recently been defeated in the House of Representatives.

According to Jan de Wit, the fact that Eindhoven wants to limit the setting off of fireworks is mainly symbolic politics. In recent corona years, when fireworks were also not allowed to be lit, it turned out that such a ban cannot be enforced at all. Despite the ban, there was plenty of banging in the street. That will be no different now, thinks the trader.

“Many younger entrepreneurs have already stopped.”

The trade in fireworks has long ceased to be fun due to all the uncertainty and discussions, according to De Wit. “At my age I think it will take my time, but many younger entrepreneurs have already stopped.” Traders in Someren, Helmond and Eindhoven, among others, have already given up.

It is mainly men under the age of thirty who buy fireworks, says de Wit. Because only decorative fireworks can be sold in the Netherlands, you can already see that they are moving to Belgium and Germany to get heavier bang fireworks.

“A ban on setting off fireworks will not change anything.”

Jan de Wit thinks that with a ban Eindhoven will achieve the opposite of what she wants: “A ban will result in even more illegal heavy fireworks being purchased and it will only get louder in the city”.

De Wit now temporarily sells garden furniture: “Come back in December, then it will be lined up outside to come and buy fireworks. A ban on lighting it won’t change that.”
