Firepower – Quinten was the victim of a house fire at a young age

At the end of December 2004 it was a horrific report for any newspaper reader among the other news of that day: ‘Four injured in house fire in Purmerend’. News that impresses and is eventually supplanted by subsequent events. That does not apply to Quinten. He was one of the victims. What role does the fire still play in his life?

In ‘Firepower’ we follow Quinten Lents (23). To a lesser extent, we meet his sister Britt (26). They were young children when the accident happened. The makers (Nina van den Akker, Hanna van den Berg, Lilian ‘t Hardt and Dani Stavorinus) show in the documentary how Quinten is doing now and how he remembers that dramatic evening. They do this by accompanying him to his old house, to the cemetery where his mother lies and to his gym. Through those places that are important to him, a portrait of a powerful young person is formed, who focuses more on what lies ahead than on the past.

Challenging future North Holland media makers and offering a platform, that is what NH Media does, in collaboration with the Hogeschool van Amsterdam. Students with a minor in Video & Television were sent out with the assignment to make a documentary.

‘Firepower’ is one of the selected productions that NH Media publishes.

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