Fire-up firelighter factory does not return to its old location after fire

Fire-Up firelighter factory will no longer return to its old location on the Nedervonder in Oisterwijk. According to the company, this was decided after consultation with the municipality. Within a few weeks, the company will announce how to proceed with the company.

“After consultation with the municipality, we have decided to relocate the warehouse at a different location than Nedervonder 13,” Fire-Up writes in a press release.

In recent years there have been several problems at the company, which did have a permit. Fire broke out at the company several times, including in 2013, 2016 and 2019. Fire-Up took several measures to prevent heating in the firelighters, but it went wrong again last week.

The municipality of Oisterwijk is conducting a major investigation into the cause of the fire. Mayor Hans Janssen said he was not afraid to take ‘depending on the results of the investigation, far-reaching steps in the context of permitting’. The factory could lose its permits.

Whether that is reason for Fire-Up to move now is unclear. The municipality could not be reached on Thursday evening.

Local residents will be happy with the company’s departure. During the production process of the firelighters, an unpleasant odor is continuously released, so they say. Opinions differ about what exactly the neighborhood smells like. According to some it smells like used sunflower oil and according to others like paraffin.


Neighbors across the street relieved by fire at Fire-Up: ‘Finally no stench nuisance’

Burning at firelighter factory Fire-Up: a long history

Raging fire destroys firelighter factory Fire-Up in Oisterwijk
