Fire on the premises of the Berliner Wasserbetriebe

The fire brigade extinguishes the flames on the roof

The fire brigade extinguishes the flames on the roof Photo: Spreepicture

By Dirk Boettger

Around 9 p.m. on Tuesday evening, the fire brigade at Landsberger Allee 230 in Lichtenberg was alerted – flames erupted from a roof on the site of the intermediate pumping station there.

The fire brigade was able to extinguish the fire quickly and human lives were never in danger.

Roof on the premises of the water works in flames

Flames erupted from the roof of the building on the site of the intermediate pumping station Photo: Spreepicture

The fire brigade had to remove the roof to get to the embers. About 30 emergency services were on site. The cause of the fire is still unclear, a fire department of the Berlin police is investigating.


Berlin fire brigade Berliner Wasserbetriebe fire
