Fire breathing is not that difficult, says Evert of the fakirshow

Evert German CourtImage Jan Dirk van der Burg

Evert German Court (60), Varsseveld

When Evert had finished his lts, ​​he quickly got tired of welding, grinding and drilling. ‘Life between four walls, a lunch box, a five-minute break: that was nothing at all. I was looking for more adventure, and then I saw an advertisement for a tent builder at circus Bongo in Lichtenvoorde.’ That turned into nine years in a jack-of-all-trades function and ended with its own fakir show in the arena with a fire-breathing act. Nowadays Evert holds his own shows and gives workshops. ‘I could live off it well until corona, but now I have gone from two hundred performances a year to three. I now work as a security guard at the AZC in Winterswijk, trade in crypto and my wife also earns something. I’ll be fine, but I can’t wait to start breathing fire again.’

Interest in this will pick up again, because Evert, as owner of the domain name, has gold in his hands. ‘It’s at the top of Google, isn’t it? That’s really important’. Moreover, Evert can teach it to anyone. ‘If you use good liquids – so no petrol –, have the right spraying technique and pay a little attention to the wind, nothing will ever go wrong. Once in my career I had a burn mark on my lip. I use organic lamp oil, 2 euros at the Action. You just shouldn’t swallow it, then you immediately have chemical pneumonia.’


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