Fire bombers in court, erection pills from Emmen and will there be a ban on protesting with tractors? † daily overview Monday 4 July

Two conspiracy theorists took the chance of Willem Groeneveld’s death into the bargain. They threw firebombs into the house of the journalist from Groningen and were in court today. Millions of erection pills were sold from Klazienaveen and Emmen. That yielded four suspects a lot of money. And are mayors considering a ban on demonstrating with tractors? Here’s the news you (possibly) missed today.

Fire bombers in court

When Tjeerd P. (33) and Jaimy W. (32) wake up the morning after the firebombs were thrown at the house of journalist Willem Groeneveld in Groningen, they can still laugh about it. “That Groeneveld must have been shocked. Laughing man. I was still pissed.” The two conspiracy theorists were in court today. The Public Prosecution Service is demanding heavy sentences against both men.

Do you want to read the news from Groningen? Check it out here.

No tractor ban

Farmers in large tractors blocked bridges, distribution centers and access roads on Monday. Public order is therefore at stake, since the transport of foodstuffs is not possible and emergency services and the police do not have free passage. Yet there are no mayors in the Northern Netherlands who prohibit demonstrations with tractors. Why not? You can read it in this article.

Fortune made with erection pills

Three men and a woman are suspected of having an illegal wholesale trade in erection pills. It concerns a couple from Klazienaveen and two men who now reside in Papendrecht and Germany, but previously lived in Meppel and Emmen. † The Public Prosecution Service (OM) states that the suspects have earned millions of euros with the sale of the erection drug Kamagra.

Interested in the news from Drenthe? You will find it here.

Farmer’s blockade at COOP Gieten

Dozens of tractors blocked the front and rear entrances at the COOP distribution center in Gieten today. At least no truck with supermarket products was allowed to leave the site today, it sounds † Passers-by in the car raised their thumbs. Livestock farmer Wortelboer told us that we have had enough. “This really can’t go on like this.”

Primary school in Ter Apel opens again

At the Interschool, the public primary school in the asylum center of Ter Apel, classes can normally be resumed on Tuesdays † Alderman Wietze Potze announced last week that the school would be closed due to an ‘unwanted situation’ with refugees from the application center in the village. “Actions have been taken.”

Corona causes problems at Qbuzz

Bus passengers in Groningen and Drenthe have to deal with a ‘stripped-down’ timetable for the first time. The cause: many drivers are sick † Qbuzz has therefore deleted a large part of the so-called ‘plus package’ until the summer holidays (July 16) due to a large number of corona cases.

Concerns about protest at distribution centers

If farmers continue to block supermarket distribution centers, food shortages threaten within days. That is what retail expert Paul Moers predicts. He also warns of a rush of consumers. “The Marechaussee is standing by at Schiphol, but I haven’t heard anything about the supermarket distribution centers. This is very worrying.”

More in the news

Editor’s tip

Last year the Pol farming family left their dairy farm in Oldehove to build a new and freer life in Australia. They have not regretted it for a second , certainly not now that they see how their colleagues in the Netherlands are having a hard time in the nitrogen crisis. “Our future is now secured.”
