Fire at swimming pool De Slagen in Schoonebeek, swimming pool is open

At the swimming pool De Slagen in Schoonebeek, a fire broke out at the entrance of the building last night.

The alarm went off around 3:30 am. “When I got to the pool, the fire brigade and police were already there,” says an employee of the pool. Firefighters quickly extinguished the fire. “We mainly have soot damage and a window is broken. Very annoying. Those damages quickly run into thousands of euros,” the employee expects.

The police consider arson into account and are investigating the fire this morning. The swimming pool is open. Visitors must now enter through the service entrance.

Last weekend, Schoonebeek was also startled by fire sirens in the village. Then a fire broke out at NAM building De Boô on the Burgemeester Osselaan. According to the Emmen police, this is arson.
