Fiorentina, Sottil does not operate: the recovery time from the injury

He really tried in every way. But for Riccardo Sottil the appointment on the pitch is postponed until after the break. The purple winger suffers from a slipped disc and has been out since last September 18th (match against Verona) when he had to say stop after weeks in which he had lived with the pain. A problem accused since the month of August but which initially did not seem so serious: so much so that the player tried to manage it during training, however, going down the field gritting his teeth. The last visit, carried out today, gave partially comforting results. The clinical picture has improved and for now there will be no surgery. Another week of conservative therapy is expected at the end of which the situation will be assessed, hoping that the improving trend will continue.


And to say that the sporting year had started very well with the player unleashed on the pitch with dribbling and assists. It seemed to be the right moment for the possible consecration of a boy raised in Fiorentina with enormous potential both technical and physical, but bad luck got in the way. Not too long ago the injury seemed to be almost over, with the player returning to post on social networks his desire to return to the field as soon as possible. It was even thought of a possible call-up before the stop for the World Cup. The pain was passing, but the first group training sessions did not give the desired result and Sottil was forced to stop again despite the desire to break the world. For this reason there was also a bit of apprehension before carrying out the last exams, with the danger of an ever present surgical intervention. On the other hand, the player tried together with the Viola staff to do everything possible to return as soon as possible. Appointment therefore postponed until after the break: first, however, in about a week, other checks will have to say whether the path taken will be sufficient to return to 100%.
