Fiorentina-Braga, Var: Rosetti: “That time it was better if the Var didn’t intervene”

The president of the UEFA referees’ commission awarded in Coverciano: “The ball was inside by 2 millimeters… The implementation of the tool is positive, but the essence has been somewhat lost: making decisions on the pitch”

Even the Var is not infallible. The latest confirmation comes from the president of the UEFA referee commission, Roberto Rosetti, who returned to the case of Fiorentina-Braga: Cabral’s goal validated by the referee thanks to the goal line technology signal, but then canceled after a confrontation with the Var , which had suggested a malfunction of the sensors underlying the technology. “There was an extremely difficult and complicated situation at the limit – explained the head of the European referees -. The technology worked, the balloon was 2 millimeters inside. The Var, verifying this situation, was not convinced of the goodness of the same situation. Final conclusion it would have been better for the Var not to intervene”.

The prize

Rosetti, present in Coverciano to receive the “Ferruccio Salvetti” award, also held a briefing with the Italian referees in the morning, in which he spoke about the figure of the referee and the relationship with new technologies. “We did a winter course for European referees and the main theme was attributable to the figure of the referee and the essence of refereeing, or making decisions on the pitch – he said – In the last 5 years we have had the implementation of the Var , which is absolutely positive, but the essence of the referee has been somewhat lost, that is, making decisions on the pitch”. Rosetti then also mentioned the data on arbitrage in Europe. “We are really satisfied. In Liverpool-Real Madrid there were seven goals but 62 minutes were played – he concluded -. The important thing is to give fluidity to the game”. Together with the president of the UEFA refereeing commission, they have received recognition, among others. the regent of The Hague, Duccio Baglioni, the former referee Stefano Braschi, the coach Gabriele Cioffi and the young referee Deborah Bianchi.
