Fiorello in Sanremo: plays tennis with Mengoni and makes Marcuzzi play the turtle

Amadeus closed the first evening of the 2024 Sanremo Festival with his friend Fiorelloheading towards the outside of the Ariston where there is theAristonello and that’s where the first episode of Long live Rai 2! Long live Sanremo!, what was once defined as the Dopofestival, but which, in Fiorello’s hands, has become something very different from the talk show in which the Festival was commented on and has much more the appearance of a variety show. The showman began with some jokes, from the greeting to “vampires, werewolves, Morgan…” and those few who were awake at the time it went on air, that is, from 2 to about a quarter to 3, up to Mattarella who stated that “he will vote for La Sad, because the three boys remind him of the cuirassiers“. And then thanks to the lady “who paid a thousand euros for a seat in the second row and found herself in front of Ibrahimovic: she didn’t see anything of the Festival, but she knows everything about Ibra’s shoulders”. Fiorello then recalled that in the first evening the press voted, but joked that “since we are TeleMeloni the votes of Republic were not taken into consideration“. Then he expressed some opinions confessing that he liked Alfa’s song, Go!and that he really hopes that the tractor protest you arrive in Sanremo.
