Fiorello connects with Angelo Duro who accuses him: “It’s all your fault”

In his broadcast after the Festival, Fiorello commented with his team on the second evening of the event

At the beginning of the second episode of Long live Rai 2! Long live San Remo! On Rai 1, Fiorello he joked with Amadeus about Angelo Duro’s monologue. The Festival presenter said “probably my career is over”, but his friend consoled him: “You’ve done worse, the history of the CDA is worse…”. And then, after the acronym, he began precisely with the theme of the Rai CDA kept in the dark from the presence of the President Sergio Mattarella in the early evening.

The comments on Fedez and Angelo Duro

Rosario Fiorello went on to talk about Fedez who tore up the photo of Deputy Minister Bignami and underlined how the rapper took responsibility “because he understood that Amadeus can’t take it anymore”. Soon after she hinted at Hard Angel, saying that he really liked the monologue and imagined Gianni Morandi swearing like the Sicilian comedian. Fiorello tried to call Angelo Duro, but was interrupted by Valeria Marini who, like the previous night, called him live. Fiore then returned to the Blanco theme and called him a golden boy by showing the post that the singer shared on his social networks.

Alessia Marcuzzi and Francesca Fagnani’s sternum

After comparing himself to Don King for his hair, Fiorello then showed a plastic middle finger, saying that it is a gadget from Angelo Duro, who, in short, was mentioned many times during the broadcast. Later he showed a video in which Alexander the Greek does a promo to rent the glass of Long live Rai 2 as a place to go to let off steam, screaming, because it’s so soundproof and no one can hear. At the end of the video, Greco recalled that “nothing is thrown away in Rai”. Then came the time when Alessia Marcuzzi gave her opinion on the looks of the evening. Pinella showed that Sethu copied a Korean actor, Kim Min-Kyu. Then Alessia said she “envies Fagnani’s sternum” and is always very attracted to androgynous looks.

The phone call from Angelo Duro

Finally came the call from Angelo Duro, who began with “What do you want?” and then he said “it’s all your fault, I am very offended because at one he let me out what you said was brave” and Fiorello replied “Listen, I went out at twenty to two…”. Then Fiorello did the imitation of Gianni Morandi again imitating Angelo Duro talking about “whores” and made everyone laugh, including Duro. Then Fiore ended the call saying: “It could be the beginning of your career or the end of Amadeus’.

Connections with Elodie and Rosa Chemical

Fiorello after a commercial break connected with Elodies, who, like Ultimo the night before, answered from the bed. Alessia Marcuzzi has pointed out that the singer is also incredibly beautiful before going to sleep. Elodie admitted that for the prime time dress she was inspired by Fiorello, as it was very similar to a dress that the comedian wore the year before. The singer of Two she then sang while lying down, still being very good. In closing Fiorello connected with Rosa Chemicalwho hinted at his song, and then showed his correspondent Gabriele Vagnato who entered the room of Countryside cousins.
