Finnish student works and lives in WZC in Bruges for 12 weeks

Finnish student works and lives in WZC in Bruges for 12 weeks

He spends the entire twelve weeks of his internship among the residents.

The integration of Sami into the team and his department is going smoothly. The director is also impressed. Marijke Dobbels, director of WZC Van Zuylen: “Sami is very social himself. He gets along easily with residents. So everything goes smoothly. It is also a form of pilot project. We want to attract even more students to Van Zuylen in the future. they do an internship here, they can also live here.”

And even though Sami has only been here a few weeks, he already speaks a word of Dutch. By the end of his twelve-week internship, he will undoubtedly surprise some residents with a chat. “I already speak a little bit of Dutch, I read Dutch every evening.”
